Ambrose Ambassador Blogs

Ambassador Blogs

What Do I Do From Here?

Posted by Miranda Casey

So, you've applied to Ambrose and you're wondering: what do I do from here? Is this really where I want to go for post-secondary? Let’s be real: paying that tuition deposit is the first step in the right direction and here is why: I am currently in my fourth year here in the Bachelor of Theology: Children and Family Ministry Degree. In all theology degrees, it is required to take part in a 3 to 12 month full-time internship in a church or an organization. I am currently on internship which has allowed me to grow in ways I never thought were possible (take a look at my previous blog when I talk about learning to fly and how afraid I was to take the first leap while on internship). Over my time at Ambrose, I have realized that I really value an education that challenges me both intellectually as well as spiritually, and Ambrose is where I discovered myself. Here are a few times I look the leap and it allowed me to soar.

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Tags: ambrose university, thisisambrose, internship

Learning to Fly

Posted by Miranda Casey

When you were young, did you ever try to fly and instead you flopped? I think we have all been there, however we didn’t just decide to fly all at once; we prepared ourselves. We found our favourite blanket and tied it around our neck, ran around the house yelling “I can fly- I can fly” , and jumped off every couch and chair we could reach. Then one day you got up the nerve to climb on top of the kitchen counter when dad was not looking. You stood there, heart racing, thinking “I can do it… it’s not that scary!” Then you jump. The moment your feet lift off from the counter, you see dad walk through the pantry door—shoot! But, for 2.5 seconds all you feel is pure joy as you are soar through the middle of the kitchen – pure joy, and a sense of accomplishment. Then it hits you—“I am not really flying and this could really hurt”. Then you hit the floor and roll your ankle or your head hits the refrigerator. You stop and think for a moment- “that was awesome” - then you suddenly look up to see dad towering over you as your tears start to flow.

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Tags: Ambrose, thisisambrose, internship