Ambrose Ambassador Blogs

Ambassador Blogs

While Traveling to Ambrose – From Near and Far

Posted by Miranda Casey

While Traveling to Ambrose – From Near and Far


Miranda CaseyThis year, traveling to Ambrose was much different from previous trips I have made. Since I'm from the Maritimes, I have lost count of how many trips I have made back and forth to Calgary. But this year I decided to drive.

Yes, I am crazy. But, I want to give you all a few tips on how to pack as you travel . . . whether from the Maritimes, Saskatchewan, or China. 

  1.  Pack a blanket or your favourite teddy bear (or penguin): You know you’re going to bring it with you anyways. Instead of shoving it in the trunk, bring it up front with you. I promise it will look great on your Instagram, and it’s also soft enough to use as a pillow while you’re sleeping in the car. 
  1. Bring MAPS:I promise, the old-fashioned way is sometimes the best way. If you’re not already a CAA member, I recommend you sign up before you head out on this journey! They will give you the maps, and also some excellent road-side assistance. 
  1. Get a Plug-in Car Charger:This is not just for your phone, it is also so you are able to plug in your laptop to watch “The Bible” marathon: because that’s just what we do. 
  1. Consider International Phone Coverage:If you are traveling through the U.S.A. I recommend getting this! After 4-8 hours of being separated from the car you were traveling with (containing your mother and sister), you may need to find them somehow. As ridiculous as this sounds, just trust me. 
  1. Bring a Bible:While traveling across Saskatchewan this might be a good read. But seriously, bring a Bible to reflect and prepare yourself for the year. If you are driving with a friend there are going to be times when there might be silence; these are great times to prepare yourself for what God has in store for you this year at Ambrose. I promise God has lots in store for you! 

There are tons of things you will need in your car for your long journey ahead. Keep in mind, when you come to Ambrose, whether it is your first time or your fourth time, each year is filled with new inspiring classes to learn in and grow from, new community as new people arrive and old friends move on, and the journey God has for you during the new year.

Hopefully you’ll gear up and take your next roady to check out our school’s Open House on November 13-14. Remember all of these essentials—they will help you have the best road trip experience ever! See you soon!