Ambrose Ambassador Blogs

Ambassador Blogs

Reading Week Reading List

Posted by Nicholas Newnes
Nicholas Newnes

literature-books-5841.jpgWe just had reading week! And while it is a great opportunity to relax or go for a short trip, reading week is also a great time to actually read!

I am someone who really loves reading; however, in university, I have to do a lot of course-related reading. I enjoy my course readings and learn a lot from them, but it is still fun to be able to select my own titles and also to throw in some fictional works between the more required academic titles one has to read during the semester.

Here are some of the books I'm reading this week:

  • Seveneves by Neal Stephenson
  • Shogun by James Clavell
  • S. by Doug Dorst and J.J. Abrams
  • Silos, Politics and Turf Wars by Patrick Lencioni

No, it was not intentional that they all begin with the letter 'S' and I had no idea myself until I typed up that list!

If you don't have the luxury of relaxing and doing personal reading and instead have papers you need to complete during reading week, the Ambrose Library has a great selection of materials that are available to you as a student. The library is open during reading week and is one of the largest private academic libraries in western Canada. It has over 120,000 books on its shelves and many more online journal articles waiting to be read.

If that is not enough, your Ambrose ID also enables you to access the libraries at the University of Calgary, St. Mary's University College, and Bow Valley College.

Hopefully you were able to enjoy your reading week no matter what you were doing. Next reading week, I would encourage you to set some time aside, pick up a book, and dive into it. Especially if you are stuck in the city and all your friends are taking trips elsewhere. As Mason Cooley said, "Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are."Happy Reading! 

Tags: Books, Reading