Ambrose Ambassador Blogs

Ambassador Blogs

Happy New Year!

Posted by Alistair Mahood
Alistair Mahood

The year 2016 came so quickly. It caught me by surprise.  I don’t have any New Year’s Resolutions. I can never come up with creative resolutions, so I have just stopped making them all together. Instead, I am setting a few goals:

  1. Getting an A average in school
  2. Getting my applications done for a well paying summer job by February of 2016

These will be very adequate goals for 2016.

Alistair_Mahood_hub.jpgChristmas break was relaxing. I have enjoyed some good quality sleep and some great movies. Christmas this year was much different from the last year. Since I am going to a university away from home, returning back home for Christmas was awesome because I spent time with family and then spent time reuniting with old friends that I haven’t seen in a long time. It’s great to have a week of just planned fun and hangouts while having days to relax. This past week, I hung out with old friends and enjoyed catching up. I went skiing with some friends at Sunshine Village Ski Resort in the Banff area. It was beautiful and actually sunny, which is always hard to come by. I also went hiking with a friend. It was so much fun and the view was totally worth it. The winter season made the hike a little more challenging because the mountain was more slippery than usual and it was colder, however, I love a good challenge and we found our troubles mild.

I start my second semester of university on January 6th. I have five classes, similar to last semester. I have three Business classes, which are Business Organization, Macroeconomics and Statistics for Business. My two non-major classes are English and the Christian Faith. I have really enjoyed my time at Ambrose. This past week, I was talking to my friend who is going to a university in British Columbia and we were discussing how a small Christian university, like Ambrose, is a smart investment. I love how Ambrose has small classes, yet still has plenty of opportunities.

The Business Program is connected with many small businesses in Calgary and there are many opportunities for a business student, like myself, to get connected. Besides, Ambrose has a great community. From living in Residence, I am surrounded by holy individuals who seek a deeper relationship with God and not a lot of educational institutions offer that kind of culture within the university community.

As the New Year unfolds and the second semester starts, I look forward to new classes, new adventures, and to building a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ.

Tags: business program